Big Marsh
Species List|Analysis and Graphs|Cover

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To prevent poaching, endangered species are not included in this list. More info...

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Latin NameCommon NameMapStrataNative?
Ambrosia artemisiifoliacommon ragweedYES
Anagallis arvensisscarlet pimpernelNO
Artemisia vulgarismugwortNO [invasive]
Asclepias syriacacommon milkweedYES
Asclepias verticillatawhorled milkweedYES
Bouteloua curtipendulaside-oats gramaYES
Bromus  ?
Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthosspotted knapweedNO [invasive]
Centaurium pulchellumshowy centauryNO
Chaenorhinum minussmall snapdragonNO
Chenopodium albumlamb's quartersNO
Cyperus odoratusrusty nut sedge, false rusty flat sedgeYES
Daucus carotawild carrot; Queen Anne's laceNO [invasive]
Dichanthelium acuminatum ssp. fasciculatumwestern panic grass; old-field panic grassYES
Echinochloa  ?
Eleocharis  ?
Erigeron strigosusdaisy fleabaneYES
Eupatorium serotinumlate bonesetYES
Euphorbia  ?
Euphorbia maculataspotted creeping spurgeYES
Euphorbia nutanseyebane; nodding spurgeYES
Euthamia gymnospermoidesviscid grass-leaved goldenrodYES
Fragaria virginianawild strawberryYES
Fraxinus pennsylvanicared ashYES
Hedeoma hispidarough pennyroyalYES
Hordeum jubatumsquirrel-tail grassNO
Hypericum perforatumcommon St. John's wortNO [invasive]
Isanthus brachiatusfalse pennyroyalYES
Juncus dudleyiDudley's rushYES
Juncus torreyiTorrey's rushYES
Lactuca serriolaprickly lettuceNO
Leucospora multifidanarrow leaf paleseedYES
Lycopus americanuscommon water horehoundYES
Lythrum salicariapurple loosestrifeNO [invasive]
Medicago lupulinablack medickNO
Melilotus albawhite sweet cloverNO [invasive]
Melilotus officinalisyellow sweet cloverNO [invasive]
Mollugo verticillatacarpet weedNO
Morus albawhite mulberryNO [invasive]
Oenothera bienniscommon evening primroseYES
Panicum virgatumswitch grassYES
Persicaria maculosalady's thumbNO [invasive]
Phragmites australiscommon reedNO [invasive]
Plantago virginicadwarf plantainYES
Poa  ?
Poa compressaCanada blue grassNO [invasive]
Populus deltoideseastern cottonwoodYES
Rhamnus catharticacommon buckthornNO [invasive]
Setaria pumila ssp. pumilayellow foxtailNO
Solidago altissimatall goldenrodYES
Solidago nemoralisgray goldenrod; gray-stemmed goldenrod; old-field goldenrodYES
Solidago speciosashowy goldenrodYES
Sonchus asperspiny sow thistleNO
Verbena strictahoary vervainYES
27 native5 unknown22 nonnative(12 invasive non-native)Species count : 54
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Mapping : show cover (maximum recorded)
Plot 1 Map
 Recorded here
 Presence here implied from presence in nested quadrat
Smaller quadrats are not shown at exact scale.
See our methods page for details on plot layout.

Protected Species Policy
To prevent poaching, NIRMI does not provide the location of any endangered, threatened, or otherwise protected species found within any of our plots. All lists, charts, and calculations (richness, FQI, etc.) therefore exclude these species as well.
If you are conducting research and have a legitimate need for this unfiltered data, please contact us at
nirmi (at) iun (dot) edu.

(C)opyright 2010-2025 NIRMI