Rubus flagellaris Willd. | Native |
Found at the following sites :
INDU Headquarter Woods
INDU Miller Woods
Hidden Prairie
Stockwell Woods
Ambler Expansion
Cressmoor Prairie
Ivanhoe South
Bur Oak Woods
Arcelor Mittal Burns Harbor
Krueger Middle School
Calumet Prairie
Barker Woods
Gibson Woods Nature Preserve
UofC FieldStation-MI



Previous, not current
Plants -
See list of all plant species found at NIRMI sitesFungi -
See list of all fungi species found at NIRMI sites
Protected Species Policy
To prevent poaching, NIRMI does not provide the location of any endangered,
threatened, or otherwise protected species found within any of our plots.
All lists, charts, and calculations (richness, FQI, etc.) therefore exclude
these species as well.
If you are conducting research and have a legitimate need for this unfiltered data, please
contact us at nirmi (at) iun (dot) edu.