Samuelson Fen
Species List|Analysis and Graphs|Cover|Fungi|DBH (woody stems)|Soil|Maps|Photos

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To prevent poaching, endangered species are not included in this list. More info...

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Latin NameCommon NameMapStrataNative?
Acer negundobox elderYES
Acer rubrumred mapleYES
Acorus americanusAmerican sweet flagYES
Agrimonia gryposepalatall agrimonyYES
Agrimonia parvifloraswamp agrimonyYES
Alliaria petiolatagarlic mustardNO [invasive]
Ambrosia trifidagiant ragweedYES
Amphicarpaea bracteatahog peanutYES
Angelica atropurpureagreat angelicaYES
Apios americanaground nutYES
Asclepias incarnataswamp milkweedYES
Aster lanceolatus var. simplexpanicled asterYES
Aster novae-angliaeNew England asterYES
Aster puniceusbristly asterYES
Bidens cernuanodding bur marigoldYES
Bidens tripartitaswamp tickseedYES
Boehmeria cylindricarough false nettleYES
Calamagrostis canadensisblue joint grassYES
Calystegia sepiumhedge bindweedYES
Campanula aparinoidesmarsh bellflowerYES
Carex  ?
Carex lacustriscommon lake sedgeYES
Carex stipatacommon fox sedgeYES
Carex strictacommon tussock sedgeYES
Cinna arundinaceacommon wood reedYES
Cirsium arvensefield thistle; Canada thistleNO [invasive]
Cirsium muticumswamp thistle; fen thistleYES
Convolvulus arvensisfield bindweedNO [invasive]
Cornus obliquapale dogwood; blue-fruited dogwood; silky dogwoodYES
Cornus racemosagray dogwoodYES
Cryptotaenia canadensishonewortYES
Duchesnea indicaindian strawberryNO [invasive]
Elymus  ?
Epilobium coloratumcinnamon willow herbYES
Equisetum  ?
Erechtites hieraciifolius var. hieraciifoliuspilewort, burnweed, white fireweedYES
Eupatorium maculatumspotted Joe Pye weedYES
Eupatorium perfoliatumcommon bonesetYES
Euthamia graminifolia var. nuttalliihairy grass-leaved goldenrodYES
Fallopia scandensclimbing false buckwheatYES
Fraxinus pennsylvanicared ashYES
Galium asprellumrough bedstrawYES
Galium concinnumshining bedstrawYES
Geranium maculatumwild geraniumYES
Geum canadensewhite avens; wood avensYES
Hasteola suaveolenssweet indian plantainYES
Helenium autumnalesneezeweedYES
Helianthus grosseserratussawtooth sunflowerYES
Helianthus tuberosusJerusalem artichokeYES
Impatiens capensisspotted touch-me-not; orange jewelweedYES
Iris virginicablue flagYES
Lathyrus palustrismarsh vetchlingYES
Leersia oryzoidesrice cut grassYES
Lobelia siphiliticagreat blue lobeliaYES
Lycopus americanuscommon water horehoundYES
Lycopus uniflorusnorthern bugle weedYES
Lysimachia thyrsifloratufted loosestrifeYES
Lythrum salicariapurple loosestrifeNO [invasive]
Maianthemum stellatumstarry false Solomon's sealYES
Mentha arvensiswild mintYES
Monarda fistulosawild bergamontYES
Onoclea sensibilissensitive fernYES
Oxypolis rigidiorcowbaneYES
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia creeperYES
Persicaria maculosalady's thumbNO [invasive]
Persicaria sagittataarrow-leaved tearthumbYES
Persicaria virginianawoodland knotweedYES
Phalaris arundinaceareed canary grassNO [invasive]
Phragmites australiscommon reedNO [invasive]
Physocarpus opulifoliusninebarkYES
Pilea fontanabog clearweedYES
Poa pratensisKentucky blue grassNO [invasive]
Polygonum  ?
Pycnanthemum virginianumVirginia mountain mintYES
Quercus albawhite oakYES
Quercus rubrared oakYES
Ranunculus abortivussmall-flowered buttercupYES
Rhus typhinastaghorn sumacYES
Rosa multifloraJapanese rose; multiflora roseNO [invasive]
Rosa palustrisswamp roseYES
Rudbeckia laciniatawild golden glowYES
Rumex britannicagreat water dockYES
Rumex crispuscurly dockNO
Sagittaria latifoliacommon arrowheadYES
Salix amygdaloidespeach-leaved willowYES
Sambucus canadensiselderberryYES
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontanigreat bulrushYES
Scirpus georgianusbristleless dark green bulrushYES
Scutellaria galericulatamarsh skullcapYES
Silphium integrifolium var. integrifoliumrosin weedYES
Solanum dulcamarabittersweet nightshadeNO [invasive]
Solidago altissimatall goldenrodYES
Solidago gigantealate goldenrodYES
Solidago patulaswamp goldenrodYES
Sparganium eurycarpumcommon bur reedYES
Spartina pectinataprairie cord grassYES
Stachys hispidamarsh hedge nettleYES
Symplocarpus foetidusskunk cabbageYES
Taraxacum officinalecommon dandelionNO
Thalictrum dasycarpumpurple meadow rueYES
Thelypteris palustris var. pubescensmarsh shield fernYES
Toxicodendron radicanspoison ivyYES
Typha x glaucahybrid cattailNO [invasive]
Urtica dioica ssp. gracilistall nettleYES
Verbena hastatablue vervainYES
Verbena urticifoliahairy white vervainYES
Verbesina alternifoliawingstemYES
Vernonia gigantea ssp. giganteasmooth tall ironweedYES
Viola  ?
Vitis ripariariverbank grapeYES
91 native5 unknown14 nonnative(12 invasive non-native)Species count : 110
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Mapping : show cover (maximum recorded)
Plot 1 Map

Plot 2 Map

Plot 3 Map
 Recorded here
 Presence here implied from presence in nested quadrat
Smaller quadrats are not shown at exact scale.
See our methods page for details on plot layout.

Protected Species Policy
To prevent poaching, NIRMI does not provide the location of any endangered, threatened, or otherwise protected species found within any of our plots. All lists, charts, and calculations (richness, FQI, etc.) therefore exclude these species as well.
If you are conducting research and have a legitimate need for this unfiltered data, please contact us at
nirmi (at) iun (dot) edu.

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